Die Unberührbare / Nowhere to go

The tracklisting:
1. Rick Hollow – Kiss (Original Soundtrack Title)
2. The Paralyzers – Devil in Disguise (Original Sountrack Title)
3. Rick Hollow – Li’l Miss waitress (Bonustrack)
‚Nowhere to go‘, the new production of cult director Oskar Roehler, tells the story of famous writer Hanna Flanders and her life after the end of the Berlin wall. Using Hitchcock-type light- and camera tricks he’s able to create a very stylish Sixties atmosphere. The black and white 35mm film is an impressive example of how nicely photographed cinema can be in the year 2000.
The actors are first class as well: Hannelore Elsner, Charles Regnier, Vadim Glowna, Jasmin Tabatabai to name but a few and the soundtrack is very unusual too: Fifties style rockers Rick Hollow and The Paralyzers are included with one track each. The film has been nominated for the Cannes film festival and in the meantime is sold for worldwide release.

Hannah Flanders
(Hannelore Elsner)

Joachim (Michael Gwisdeck)
and Hannah Flanders
(Hannelore Elsner)

Hannah Flanders
(Hannelore Elsner) and
Bruno (Vadim Glowna)
Photos: Courtesy of Distant Dreams ©2000